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jimmy_bear прохожий19.10.05 23:17
NEW 19.10.05 23:17 
If anyone is either interested in practicing their English, or have any questions about English, or need help with translation i will be happy to help. I spent last 5 years studying in the US, and have just moved to Germany.
have a good day!
  LunnyjSwet прохожий27.10.05 21:19
NEW 27.10.05 21:19 
в ответ jimmy_bear 19.10.05 23:17
Where have you been ? :) (let's start from the beginning)
sergeimed знакомое лицо28.10.05 15:19
NEW 28.10.05 15:19 
в ответ jimmy_bear 19.10.05 23:17, Последний раз изменено 28.10.05 15:21 (sergeimed)
If anyone is either interested in practicing their English...
  ArtAllm завсегдатай28.10.05 21:54
NEW 28.10.05 21:54 
в ответ jimmy_bear 19.10.05 23:17, Последний раз изменено 28.10.05 21:55 (ArtAllm)
Hi Jimmy,
do you have degrees in English?
Are you sure your command of English is sufficient to teach English?
Please tell us more about you and your education in the USA.

jimmy_bear прохожий29.10.05 10:48
NEW 29.10.05 10:48 
в ответ ArtAllm 28.10.05 21:54
I am not planning to teach anyone:) I am not a teacher, and i don't have any degree in English. I guess, I thought that there were a lot of people who would like to practice their English language skills, since there was a whole group dedicated to this language.
As for my education... I studied Economics and Political Science in Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges near Philadelphia. I would be happy to tell more, but i am not sure if anyone is interested in the story. What exactly should i tell you about my education? Is this some sort of test for me ;) ?

jimmy_bear прохожий29.10.05 10:52
NEW 29.10.05 10:52 
в ответ ArtAllm 28.10.05 21:54
By the way, ArtAlarm, this is a typical "mistake" of americans:). If there is anyone who would like to practice his/her English - this is the right way of saying this sentence. However, there are a lot of people who are too lazy to say "his or her" and that is why they often say "their" - meaning either his or her:).
jimmy_bear прохожий29.10.05 10:57
NEW 29.10.05 10:57 
в ответ LunnyjSwet 27.10.05 21:19
Hi LunnijSweet!
I often have a nick similar to yours - "moonlight," but not in this forum.
airet свой человек29.10.05 18:52
NEW 29.10.05 18:52 
в ответ jimmy_bear 19.10.05 23:17
If anyone is either interested in practicing their English, or have any questions about English
Why did you write "have"?
I'd say - if anyone has any questions...
  ArtAllm завсегдатай29.10.05 23:11
NEW 29.10.05 23:11 
в ответ jimmy_bear 29.10.05 10:52
In Antwort auf:

I would be happy to tell more, but i am not sure if anyone is interested in the story. What exactly should i tell you about my education?

Yes, I am very interested in your story. Go on telling us about your life in the USA.
I had a lot of pals in America, but it is very interesting to know the opinion of a former compatriot who lived and studied in the USA. I guess that you saw America with different eyes, that is why I am interested in your opinion.
In Antwort auf:

Is this some sort of test for me ;) ?

No, it▒s just a pretext to start a conversation.
In Antwort auf:

...there are a lot of people who are too lazy to say "his or her" and that is why they often say "their" - meaning either his or her:).

I think that ⌠their■ (referring to males and females) is also accepted in BE.

airet свой человек30.10.05 12:20
NEW 30.10.05 12:20 
в ответ ArtAllm 29.10.05 23:11, Последний раз изменено 30.10.05 12:33 (airet)
Another remark about "their"
I knew an American guy who spent several years abroad, and having come back to the US he was surprised to hear everyone saying "their" instead of "his or her". It was about 7-8 years ago, so it seems to be a relatively recent development
jimmy_bear прохожий30.10.05 13:59
NEW 30.10.05 13:59 
в ответ airet 30.10.05 12:20
Aha. But in official papers it is better to stick either to "he" or to "she" only. It sounds and looks better:) - continuously repeats one of my former professors of Political science. Here i can say, "sorry, it was slang" - but in more or less official circumstances this would be a very weak excuse
"has" is grammatically correct, you are right.
jimmy_bear прохожий30.10.05 14:31
NEW 30.10.05 14:31 
в ответ ArtAllm 29.10.05 23:11
Well, when people ask me about the States, i usually answer them, that i did not experience the whole US, but rather a very small little part of it. The US is so huge, and so different that its very difficult for me to reflect on the whole country.
I liked to study in Pennsylvania very very much. I went to a very small liberal arts college with 1200 female students only. It was ideal student environment. The whole staff of college worked their asses off to make the life of students as comfortable as possible. I never had more than 30 people in my class, which made communication with professors very easy. Professors were always happy to talk and to help their students. Some of them turned into very good friends of mine.
I liked to have so many opportunities to travel around. Since Philadelphia is located between Washington DC and New York, i often had chance to visit these two cities. New York was my favorite place to shop, D.C. - favorite place to spend a relaxing time. I loved visitng trillion of museums in D.C.
However, there were other parts of life which were not as easy and as fun. For example, i had to work a lot to survive the expensive life of Main Line. I had to support myself financially, and that's why had 4 jobs and studied full time. Of course, i was tired. And so were many other international students. It was a bit harder for us, since we could not rely on parents' help as much as other US students did. But, hey, we survived!
I did not enjoy the political environment in the country. I opposed the war, and had hard time understanding why the government and its supporters wanted to go with war against Iraq. Most students in my College had concerns similar to mine. But this was not enough. The war still goes on.
Sorry, for talking/writing so much. You guys should tell about yourselves too. So that this forum does not look like a monologue of crazy jimmy_bear.
  ArtAllm завсегдатай30.10.05 20:05
NEW 30.10.05 20:05 
в ответ jimmy_bear 30.10.05 14:31
In Antwort auf:

Sorry, for talking/writing so much. You guys should tell about yourselves too.

Hi Jimmy and thanks for introducing yourself.
Well, I have never been to the USA, but I had a lot of pals from this country. Some of them wanted to learn German and I tried to help them, and they helped me to improve my English.
Some of my pals sent me a lot of pictures of places in the USA.
Here is a link to my homepage where you can find some pictures of a town called Karlsruhe in North Dakota, which was founded by emigrants from Karlsruhe in Russia (Ukraine):
Unfortunately, after 911 I lost contact to my American pals, because we couldn▓t agree on some political issues like the cause of terrorism and the methods of war against terrorism.
If you want to know more about me please visit my homepage:

  ArtAllm завсегдатай30.10.05 20:17
NEW 30.10.05 20:17 
в ответ airet 30.10.05 12:20

In Antwort auf:

...he was surprised to hear everyone saying "their" instead of "his or her".

HI Airet,
Well, I have got a very useful book called ⌠Plain English■( sorry, but I cannot remember right now the authors of this book).
This book is not a textbook for students of English, but a guideline to English for native English speakers. They recommended in this book to use ⌠their■ when simultaneously referring to males and females, avoid the passive mode and use more verbs and less nouns in your texts.
I think that Germans also need such a book to write ⌠Plain German■

sergeimed знакомое лицо01.11.05 10:44
NEW 01.11.05 10:44 
в ответ jimmy_bear 30.10.05 14:31
Ох, а я не могу установить английский... идет автоматическая перекодировка... Ну ладно, придется по-русски.
Интресно, года 4 назад я искал работу и мне предложили заявиться на преподавание наук о Замле в одном из колледжей Пенсильвании. Очень ко мне подходила формулировка позиции. Но когда я залез на их сайт и увидел "Арт коледже для девиц", я испугался и не заявился (конечно, все равно не взяли бы человека с несевероамериканским образованием, хотя мой босс в то время имел друужеские отношения с зав. той кафедры)... Так наверное тоо был тот самый коледж...
airet свой человек01.11.05 11:46
NEW 01.11.05 11:46 
в ответ jimmy_bear 30.10.05 14:31, Последний раз изменено 01.11.05 11:56 (airet)
How does it feel among female students only? Somehow I always considered it a big advantage, when female and male students can interact. Where I studied there was also a girls-only college nearby and I was always happy that I got in another one. Are there any advantages when no guys are around?
jimmy_bear прохожий01.11.05 13:15
01.11.05 13:15 
в ответ sergeimed 01.11.05 10:44
There are at least 2 female colleges in the area. Bryn Mawr and Rosemont. And why did you get scarried?
jimmy_bear прохожий01.11.05 13:26
NEW 01.11.05 13:26 
в ответ airet 01.11.05 11:46
I personally think that coed (men and women together) is better. More like a real life.
The idea of only women college, is that women get chance to open themselves without male influence. For example, it is a known fact that some women do not participate in the class discussion and seminars, because they are too shy to sound stupid infront of men. Women college gets rid of such obstacles for women.
However, there are other minuses. For example, there is lack of communication with people of other gender. That's why when i graduated from college and moved to a normal, bi-gender environment, i was feeling a bit uncomfortable when i had to communicate with men.
But don't get it wrong, it is not that we, students of this female college, have not seen men. We had another coed college - Haverford - nearby. And both male and female students from this college could take classes in our college, as we could take classes in that college too. There were also a lot of male professors and male staff on campus. So, it was not too artificial environment as you might think. There is nothing to be afraid of - that's for sure:).
sergeimed знакомое лицо01.11.05 15:25
NEW 01.11.05 15:25 
в ответ jimmy_bear 01.11.05 13:26
Bryn Mawr
Ай ду нот ноу вай Ай воз скаред... Май вайф из джелос мэйби...
eisenach посетитель05.11.05 23:48
NEW 05.11.05 23:48 
в ответ airet 29.10.05 18:52
Интересно узнать ваше мнение :
М. А. Голденков, ИПООО "ПРОАРТБУК", 1999
≈During all the last year I moonlighted as a math teacher.≈ Весь прошлый год я подрабатывал учителем по математике и неплохо подзаработал, ≈ сказал Чи. ≈ Можешь и ты сделать нечто подобное. Обучать, к примеру, русскому языку. Если, конечно, найдешь такой класс...
≈А что такое to moonlight? ≈ спросил я, медленно гребя веслом. Дело было во время обеденного часового перерыва, единственного при рабочем дне с семи утра до (не пугайтесь) восьми вечера. Этот перерыв мы часто посвящали плаванию в каноэ, по неописуемо красивому озеру нашего лагеря.
Если честно, то по смыслу предложения Чи я уже догадался, что to moonlight означает что-то вроде, подработки. Но хотелось уточнить.
≈Ну, ≈Чи задумался, ≈ представь, что у тебя есть уже работа, а ты, образно говоря, при лунном свете, подрабатываешь. В китайском имеется хорошее словцо, чтобы определить все это, но жаль, что ты китайского не знаешь.
≈У нас тоже такое словцо есть, ≈ улыбнулся я и, не без труда вспомнив родную речь, произнес по русски: ≈ Халтура.
≈ Красиво звучит, похоже на испанское слово.
Я рассмеялся и поймал себя на том, что "халтура" звучит в самом деле очень красиво. Что-то вроде испанских "карамба", "тореро", "вентура", "мучо оро" или "бесса ме мучо"...
Помните такой популярный в Америке, а потом и у нас телесериал "Агентство "Лунный свет", который дал путевку в жизнь Брюсу Уиллису, моему любимому актеру? Так вот, название этого сериала правильнее было бы перевести как "Агентство "Халтура", тем более что все, чем занималось агентство, ≈ это не расследование преступлений (хотя и этим тоже), а выяснение отношений главных героев, мужчины и женщины, которые друг друга любят; однако все как-то не объяснятся. Но должен оговориться, само слово moonligliting, как и networking, не несет в себе столь много негативного, как некоторым может показаться. Правда, и у нас выражения "халтура, подхалтуривать" далеко не всегда означают, что кто-то плохо относится к этой дополнительной работе ≈ работе, которая, как считают американцы и англичане, делается при лунном свете, а значит ≈ где-то, как-то, тайно, подпольно. Наоборот, у нас сейчас без мунлаитинга никуда не деться. А порой получается, что мунлайтинг, или же, проще говоря, халтура, становится профессией номер два, которая в отличие от профессии номер один дает более-менее нормальный доход, либо обе эти профессии вместе и могут прокормить нашего брата в великую эпоху перемен. Вот и получается: писатель продает, продавец пишет, издатель врачует, журналист подметает, переводчик занимается репетиторством, преподаватель переводит, студенты все работают поголовно, милиционер подворовывает, а военный подхалтуривает на очередной горячей точке... Короче, мунлайтингуют все.
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