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Choose the best word

Haus_Maus13 постоялец18.04.08 13:53
NEW 18.04.08 13:53 
Zuletzt geändert 18.04.08 18:15 (Haus_Maus13)

I have a sentence: However, in other departments, the options have ___ greatly. What would fit 'options' in this case: stretched, protracted, widned or lengthened and why?
Are there any collocations with these verbs and/or with options?
Thanks in advance!
DeGo постоялец18.04.08 14:21
NEW 18.04.08 14:21 
in Antwort Haus_Maus13 18.04.08 13:53
Why don't you use 'opportunities have greatly/considerably increased'?
"strech" is used for instance as "strech the facts too wide" and would need an addition like "streched to include/cover ... opportunities."
Other candidates 'protracted, widned or lengthened' have unnecessary connotations. Keep things simple. .
Могу себе позволить не нравиться тем, кто не нравится мне.
nblens коренной житель18.04.08 14:36
18.04.08 14:36 
in Antwort DeGo 18.04.08 14:21
А что делать, если это предложение из учебника и ей нужно только вставить наиболее подходящее слово? Посоветуйте авторам учебников to keep things simple.
Автору: мне кажется widened подходит лучше всего.
If you can read this, thank your teacher.
Haus_Maus13 постоялец18.04.08 14:36
NEW 18.04.08 14:36 
in Antwort DeGo 18.04.08 14:21
I can't, it is an exercise on verbs.
I am searching for contexts or collocations of these verbs, which would/or wouldn't fit stylistically and grammatically.

But thank You anyway

Haus_Maus13 постоялец18.04.08 14:40
NEW 18.04.08 14:40 
in Antwort nblens 18.04.08 14:36
And why does 'widened' fit? I also thought of this word, but I can't say why others DON'T fit.
My dictionaries cannot give me any reason Don't You know where I could look it up?
Thank You!
DeGo постоялец18.04.08 15:42
NEW 18.04.08 15:42 
in Antwort Haus_Maus13 18.04.08 14:40, Zuletzt geändert 19.04.08 07:11 (DeGo)
'Widened' is a more neutral word and suits better if you want to say that the array of opportunies has increased. I haven't realized that this question comes from a test or exercise. "Prolong" has connotations of time, while protracted - also a meaning of time or measures/facts protracted/stretched in time or space, however they say nothing about growing opportunities.
Могу себе позволить не нравиться тем, кто не нравится мне.