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wanna write in english

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Ellissa$ гость06.06.05 19:36
NEW 06.06.05 19:36 
in Antwort Me_himself 23.05.05 06:34, Zuletzt geändert 06.06.05 19:40 (Ellissa$)
I will be very happy if I could help anyone to know English better and would be greatfull to every one who helps to improve my own knowledge of English.
не ждали, а я пришла
[пурп]не ждали, а я пришла[улыб]
  Jurij_jetdriver прохожий07.06.05 16:45
NEW 07.06.05 16:45 
in Antwort Ellissa$ 06.06.05 19:36
Hi evryone, I've just joined your groupe, also to keep my english alive and it's much more isier not to change keybord in oder to write:-))
so... let's start
Ellissa$ гость07.06.05 22:08
NEW 07.06.05 22:08 
in Antwort Jurij_jetdriver 07.06.05 16:45
You are always wellcome, I'll be glad to answer every letter of yours!!!
не ждали, а я пришла
[пурп]не ждали, а я пришла[улыб]
  Jurij_jetdriver прохожий08.06.05 08:47
NEW 08.06.05 08:47 
in Antwort Ellissa$ 07.06.05 22:08
Thank you very much. I haven't got so much time to write every day, but I try to do my best. Fist of all how long do you lern English? What seems to you more hard or dificult?
airet местный житель08.06.05 12:43
NEW 08.06.05 12:43 
in Antwort Jurij_jetdriver 07.06.05 16:45
I have a suspicion that you learn English by watching movies There are too many spelling mistakes but no problem with grammar at the same time If you don't mind, here's the correct version
Hi everyone, I've just joined your group, also to keep my English alive and it's much more easier not to change keyboard in order to write:-))
so... let's start ... Fist of all how long do you learn English? What seems to you more hard or difficult?
Английский язык
  Jurij_jetdriver прохожий08.06.05 16:48
NEW 08.06.05 16:48 
in Antwort airet 08.06.05 12:43
Hi there,
thanks a lot, I've got absolutely no problem if somebody correct me, that▓s why I▓m here. I know that spelling is my big problem, I have to deal with. To your suspicion- I▓ve learnt my English not only by watching movies, much more by BBC┘)), but anyway: Have you got any idea how to improve the spelling? Sometime it▓s real mistakes, sometime lack in concentration. How do you solve this┘
Ellissa$ гость08.06.05 17:56
NEW 08.06.05 17:56 
in Antwort Jurij_jetdriver 08.06.05 08:47
I have been lerning it for already 12 years. Now I'm studying it at the University. The most unpleasant tning is that I didn't communicate with native speakers. Every other thing depends on your will(wish) to learn it and teachers who can help you on the way to your success
не ждали, а я пришла
[пурп]не ждали, а я пришла[улыб]
airet местный житель09.06.05 14:49
NEW 09.06.05 14:49 
in Antwort Jurij_jetdriver 08.06.05 16:48
BBC is also not bad and it brings visible results
As to the spelling, I guess the only way to improve it is to read and write more. I didn't have this problem since I learned to read and write first and started communicating later. I have to admit, when I came to the US for the first time I couldn't understand a word for two weeks
But if you want that others don't notice your problem with spelilng you could just use spellcheck
Btw, "if somebody corrects me"
spelling is a problem I have to deal with [without comma] ... or
spelling is a problem, I have to deal with it
Английский язык
  Jurij_jetdriver прохожий09.06.05 15:49
NEW 09.06.05 15:49 
in Antwort airet 09.06.05 14:49
Yes write and read is a good idea. Spellchecker, word and other stuff are also not bad but it▓s not what I▓m looking for. I think time will solve this problem. You are also right -American English is something very special and it gets even worth if you move to the Southern States. I mean not only grammar and different words also pronunciation. From the other side not impossible.
2 Ellissa$
Don▓t worry about this. Of cause we learn language in order to communicate with other people, but as soon as you get in English speaking environment you will be surprise by yourself how quick it starts to work. My point of view is good basic knowledge before you start to talk to others.
silent_sound прохожий11.06.05 00:41
NEW 11.06.05 00:41 
in Antwort airet 08.06.05 12:43
Hi everyone,
I've been a member of the group already for a while although haven't written anything yet but I will try to do it more regularly from now on.
I hope you don't mind me correcting you a bit?
> Fist of all how long do you l earn English?
The correct version is
"First of all, how long have you been learning English?"
And there was another small thing somewhere earlier:
> And welcome in the club!
"Welcome to the club!" (instead of "in") would be much better.
I hope you don't mind me telling you this and I hope you won't be angry or something.
I'm glad you've started this group, it's really nice to have a chat in English. Thanks!
airet местный житель11.06.05 11:41
NEW 11.06.05 11:41 
in Antwort silent_sound 11.06.05 00:41, Zuletzt geändert 11.06.05 11:46 (airet)
Hi! I'm really glad you don't take your nickname earnestly
And thank you for your contribution. Of course I don▓t mind it. That▓s why I started this group.
Welcome to the club! √ that▓s for sure┘
how long have you been learning English √ it▓s possible. However, a person who asked this question (it wasn▓t me) couldn▓t know if the addressee of the question was still learning English or not. Theoretically, ⌠how long did you learn English■ would be possible as well. Anyway, you▓re right that the simple present tense is the least fitting tense here.
Английский язык
inna550 гость12.06.05 12:26
NEW 12.06.05 12:26 
in Antwort airet 11.06.05 11:41
thats realy cool idea!
My english also need help Some time ago it was much better.Now I use that just for travel
So, how will we advance it?

airet местный житель13.06.05 18:57
NEW 13.06.05 18:57 
in Antwort inna550 12.06.05 12:26
So, how will we advance it?
That▓s a good question
I wish I knew how to help everyone who feels that his or her English needs help...
I just hope this forum could be useful for communication in English and for learning new things about it. If you have other ideas you're very welcome!
Английский язык
inna550 гость14.06.05 10:26
NEW 14.06.05 10:26 
in Antwort airet 13.06.05 18:57
I just hope this forum could be useful for communication in English and for learning new things about it. If you have other ideas you're very welcome!
Good, I hope also.But communication here missing If I have other ideas?I dont understand this correctly
For example we can write about new(Jackson is free man )

or jokes, something about holiday

Pretend you're flying the plane.

To the person next to you, say "It's amazing that they didn't notice the grenade in my luggage.

To use language thats my idea
  Jurij_jetdriver прохожий14.06.05 10:42
NEW 14.06.05 10:42 
in Antwort airet 13.06.05 18:57
Well done Airet,
It▓s a very good point. I thought we are here not only to check spelling ( it▓s not bat, but not only one reason to talk to each other) also to make a conversation. So let▓s take it easy and try to make the atmosphere here more relax. Sometimes it helps to learn more quickly and effectively.
To start I▓d like to offer the following topic: Vacation and Language. If someone has got an experience or tried to connect vacation with English course just tell us. It▒ll be very interesting. Other topics are of cause welcome!
And last but not least.
To silent_sound und inna550 you are of cause welcome TO club.
Best of luck!
  Jurij_jetdriver прохожий14.06.05 10:51
NEW 14.06.05 10:51 
in Antwort Jurij_jetdriver 14.06.05 10:42
Hey, it looks like we think in the same way. We risk to lose control over spelling but anyway it will bring more life here.
airet местный житель17.06.05 13:45
NEW 17.06.05 13:45 
in Antwort Jurij_jetdriver 14.06.05 10:51
inna550, Jurij_jetdriver, you both are totally right
Communication is missing. It▓s not just about spelling check.
But, how is it possible to communicate about something indefinite? Everyone who visited this forum is probably interested in English. Are there any other common interests?
If someone wants to talk about Jackson or vacation he▓d probably go to the ⌠discussion club■ or to the ⌠travel■ forum┘ The fact that it▓s in English doesn▓t matter so much.
That▓s why I asked if there are other ideas
The idea of this forum could be good but the main idea is still not found
Английский язык
Ich bin neu гость19.06.05 21:07
NEW 19.06.05 21:07 
in Antwort airet 17.06.05 13:45
Hi, there!
I don't want to write English I would rather speak English instead . The great problem of this group is that we all aren't native English/American etc. Therefore, we all make mistakes and if one says something wasn▓t right the author will maybe feel offence or say it was right etc. And how should we decide who is to blame? Per voting? That is the great problem and it shows that we couldn't improve our abilities this way. I think much more effective were to speak/write about how could we improve our skills or maintain our level if we are professionals yet . Leisure and English (see above) is a very well subject I think. I would suggest a bit more: "How to improve English in Germany if we have just a little time?" What about that?
airet местный житель21.06.05 13:12
NEW 21.06.05 13:12 
in Antwort Ich bin neu 19.06.05 21:07
One is clear √ correcting mistakes was not a good idea at all┘ I don▓t know how I came to it It neither helps to improve the language (at least, not on the forum), nor creates a nice atmosphere. We won▓t do it anymore, unless someone specifically asks for it
As for the topics, any topic is welcome
Btw, to your question, I really think there is no other way to learn or to improve a language as to dedicate some time to learning or improving it, the more time, the better the result
Английский язык
silent_sound прохожий22.06.05 21:57
NEW 22.06.05 21:57 
in Antwort airet 21.06.05 13:12
IMHO, we can discuss any topics here - music, books, films, whatever! We do it in English and that's the difference to the other forums related to music/films/etc. So, my ideas are:
- books read, films seen,
- favourite music(ians),
- travel,
- English grammar (if anyone would like to discuss a particular topic / ask a question),
- etc.
What would you say?
And a personal remark to airet. Thanks a lot for your note on "How lond did you learn English?" I haven't thought on the context you've mentioned. You are right.
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