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wanna write in english

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airet местный житель23.06.05 13:17
NEW 23.06.05 13:17 
in Antwort silent_sound 22.06.05 21:57
- English grammar (if anyone would like to discuss a particular topic / ask a question)
That's my favorite one
All other topics are welcome too, of course
Английский язык
silent_sound гость23.06.05 20:40
NEW 23.06.05 20:40 
in Antwort airet 23.06.05 13:17

It's my favourite topic, too!

  Jurij_jetdriver прохожий24.06.05 14:38
24.06.05 14:38 
in Antwort silent_sound 23.06.05 20:40
Hi overthere ,
There is not about Grammar , but it▓s also interested for me. What would you say if somebody in order to say good bay will say ⌠Take care■. What do you think is the most suitable answer? This expression isn▓t new, but I never thought about possible reply. My version was ⌠Thanks, you too!■. ⌠ I always do■ sounds good as well, but it was very official talk , so I couldn▓t use that.
So, what do you think?
P.S. I personally haven▓t got any problem if someone corrects me either my grammar or spelling.
Good luck and take care of cause!
airet местный житель24.06.05 20:01
NEW 24.06.05 20:01 
in Antwort Jurij_jetdriver 24.06.05 14:38
It's not quite about grammar but it's about language usage and equally fascinating.
I think the expression ⌠take care■ is really like saying ⌠good bye■, not more. So I wouldn▓t answer ⌠thanks■ or ⌠I always do■.
Imho, ⌠you too■ is the best answer. I personally wouldn't be reluctant to use it in any situation.
btw, it's interesting for me or I'm interested in it
Английский язык
silent_sound гость24.06.05 21:10
NEW 24.06.05 21:10 
in Antwort airet 24.06.05 20:01
I also think "You too" is a very good answer.
BTW, that's another favourite topic of mine:
- language usage.
  Jurij_jetdriver прохожий25.06.05 12:29
NEW 25.06.05 12:29 
in Antwort silent_sound 24.06.05 21:10
Thank you very much to all or you!
Of cause I▓m interested in and it▓s interesting for me- my mistake.
I don▓t see any reason not to use this and other expressions. It▓s modern English either we like it or not. I was also shocked by the first time in English speaking country people used ⌠How are you?■ and ⌠Are you ok?■ more for saying Hello. But you are right everybody choose his/her own way of speaking. Scientists say that our way of speaking shows our level of education and our potential for the future development.
So take care everyone!!!
  Jurij_jetdriver прохожий25.06.05 12:32
NEW 25.06.05 12:32 
in Antwort Jurij_jetdriver 25.06.05 12:29
to all of you of cause, before you correct me. Sorry!!!
Ich bin neu гость25.06.05 21:03
NEW 25.06.05 21:03 
in Antwort silent_sound 24.06.05 21:10, Zuletzt geändert 25.06.05 21:12 (Ich bin neu)
Hi! Very good answer is "Bye!"... However, I really don't get what is it here? Do you have so much time to speak about nothing? I did really hope here we could exchange our experiences how to improve English faster and easier┘ I don▓t think we can help each other another way here. The discussions in this group (all topics) are not much more demanding as that I found in another group, here you are, ⌠Чем отличается прыгать от скакать? Я обьяснила так: скакать - это прыгать в высоту, часто и коротко (не слишком высоко)⌠.
I don▓t think the knowledge of the deep difference between ⌠прыгать⌠ and ⌠скакать■ helps us really to speak Russian fluently: either we FEEL the difference or we are not fluent in Russian. And English or any other language is the same thing. Either you feel the language or you are not fluent. To know something theoretically is not enough and is often even badly because you have to translate if you want to speak/understand. But you want to speak/understand instead!
I▓m sorry for that hard words but don't we want to improve our discussion and make it more┘ rational┘?
airet местный житель26.06.05 12:28
NEW 26.06.05 12:28 
in Antwort Ich bin neu 25.06.05 21:03
Do you know what▓s special about any Internet forum? You can▓t make people discuss what you (or I) think they should discuss. The last thing I would do is to limit the discussion to one topic only.
Your question ⌠how to improve English faster and easier■ is really important but what do you expect? For most people, to learn a language is hard work, and it takes time. If you could just start and give examples of how it possible to make it faster and easier, perhaps others could follow.

And I do think that the difference between ⌠прыгать⌠ and ⌠скакать■ can help one speak Russian better. And I do think that it is important to be confident that if you hear ⌠take care■ you answer the right thing. I do feel intuitively many nuances in the English language now, but when I started learning it, it was exactly the discussion of those nuances that helped me to become fluent in English.
You might have a different opinion but different opinions can coexist in the same forum. One does not exclude the other
Английский язык
silent_sound гость26.06.05 21:39
NEW 26.06.05 21:39 
in Antwort airet 26.06.05 12:28
What I would like to add is that it's much easier to criticise than start a new topic which would be interesiting, "rational" and so on... Isn't it?
В ответ на:

exchange our experiences how to improve English faster and easier┘

Could you please tell me how you imagine this? Thanks!
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