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Business English

Ol'ya постоялец30.06.05 16:02
NEW 30.06.05 16:02 
Zuletzt geändert 30.06.05 16:12 (Ol'ya)
Hello to everybody!
I'm very glad that this forum exists, it gives a hope that somebody could help me
This fall I start my study. It'll be in English.
I have a list of literature recommended by professors for better preparation to study. I found one of these books in a library but the problem is that even my good English isn't enough to read it This book is a real nightmare for me (it's called "Principles of Corporate Finance") because I can't catch the sense and feel very stupid
My problem is obvious, I have a lack of business English vocabulary.
May be somebody knows a good book or better Internet site where I can find smth to improve my vocabulary in this subject? Ideal variant would be to find smth like a special Business English course.
All books that I have found were about smth like Business communication (how to arrange meeting, to answer a phone call etc). This I definetely don't need.
So I'd be very grateful, if you could help me to find smth really good and informative to read this awful book which consists of 1300 pages
Thank you in advance
P.S. In order to avoid advice "just take a dictionary and read the book with the help of it" I would like to add that it won't really help because I want to study business vocabulary not only for reading this book but also for my further study.
P.P.S. Hope my text wasn't too mussy for understanding
airet местный житель01.07.05 14:10
NEW 01.07.05 14:10 
in Antwort Ol'ya 30.06.05 16:02
In order to avoid advice "just take a dictionary and read the book with the help of it" I would like to add that it won't really help because I want to study business vocabulary not only for reading this book but also for my further study.

It would be my first advice if hadn▓t warned┘
Another option could be to go to the library, to look through other books on the same subject and to choose a book consisting of 200 or 300 pages
Even if there▓s no guarantee that it would contain less challenging vocabulary (although it could be the case as well), it would certainly be easier to read. Those authors who can cover the same subject using fewer pages usually express the same ideas and principles more understandable.
Good luck!
PS These ones, for example, would be easier to read I guess
The corporate finance handbook / Jonathan Reuvid (326 pages)
Corporate finance : principles & practice / Denzil Watson and Antony Head (492 pages)
Английский язык
Ol'ya постоялец01.07.05 21:09
NEW 01.07.05 21:09 
in Antwort airet 01.07.05 14:10
Thank you for advice, will have a look at these books in local library
But may be you also know some good Business English course?
larau постоялец03.07.05 14:08
NEW 03.07.05 14:08 
in Antwort Ol'ya 30.06.05 16:02
Ol'ya постоялец03.07.05 15:24
NEW 03.07.05 15:24 
in Antwort larau 03.07.05 14:08
Thank you very much
airet свой человек04.07.05 13:44
04.07.05 13:44 
in Antwort Ol'ya 03.07.05 15:24
I▓m not sure that there are Business English courses for students outside of the University. After all, universities are supposed to give the knowledge.
Besides, are you sure that the language is the main problem? If you haven▓t studied corporate finance in any language yet, you just don▓t know what the terms mean. Perhaps your professors will explain everything when studies begin
Английский язык
Ol'ya постоялец07.07.05 13:55
NEW 07.07.05 13:55 
in Antwort airet 04.07.05 13:44
I found this book in Russian. Think it'll help me a bit
В ответ на:
universities are supposed to give the knowledge

Yes, but they also give a lot for self-study and I think in this case good knowledge of Business English would be very useful
  russian_investor прохожий12.07.05 08:31
NEW 12.07.05 08:31 
in Antwort Ol'ya 07.07.05 13:55, Zuletzt geändert 12.07.05 09:32 (russian_investor)
You can alsou buy a TOEFL from ARCO for students is a really good book.
Description:The TOEFL is hard. Really hard. Short conversations, long conversations, sentence completion-it goes on and on. Your brain will probably be needing a little help. And that`s where ARCO`s TOEFL comes in. It`s everything you need to take this year`s and do well. Still Scared? Here are a few ways TOEFL can help.....
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: I didn`n make the advertising for this book but it is really can help you to improve your English knowleges .