
COVID-19: лечение и профилактика

29.11.20 01:36
Re: COVID-19: лечение и профилактика
Van Doren коренной житель
Van Doren
в ответ Pikaboo 21.11.20 14:04

Sixty seconds on . . . vitamin D

Vitamin D reduces COVID-19; infection; severity; ICU admission and mortality: as clearly evidenced by; immune biology, observational and interventional studies, and wider considerations of; latitude, seasonal UVB exposure, and national supplementation policies: the uncertainty is the quantum: but studies suggest ‘D’ effects are likely large - 50% less infectivity – multiples lower ICU and mortality rate.

Vitamin D is a steroid hormone, also present in limited dietary sources. For most, the major ‘D’ source is skin exposure to UVB in sunlight, which waxes and wanes seasonally. Supplementation is the only other option. ‘D’ with 50 metabolites[1] is more bio-actively influential than appreciated. Sensible ‘D’ supplementation has a 100-year track-record.[2] Side-effects are minimal.


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