
COVID-19: Прививки​

17.02.21 07:11
Re: Прививки​
Van Doren коренной житель
Van Doren
in Antwort bradipina 16.02.21 21:37

@bradipina, это статья принятая к публикации в журнале "Microbiology & Infectious Diseases". И речь там идёт о теоретической возможности образования прионов:

Analysis of the Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19 identified two potential risk factors for inducing prion disease is humans. The RNA sequence in the vaccine [3] contains sequences believed to induce TDP-43 and FUS to aggregate in their prion based conformation leading to the development of common neurodegerative diseases. In particular, it has been shown that RNA sequences GGUA [4], UG rich sequences [5], UG tandem repeats [6], and G Quadruplex sequences [7], have increased affinity to bind TDP-43 and or FUS and may cause TDP-43 or FUS to take their pathologic configurations in the cytoplasm. In the current analysis a total of sixteen UG tandem repeats (ΨGΨG) were identified and additional UG (ΨG) rich sequences were identified. Two GGΨA sequences were found. G Quadruplex sequences are possibly present, but sophisticated computer programs are needed to verify these.

Возможность весьма и весьма отдалённая, но я, тем не менее, не вижу оснований почему её здесь нельзя обсуждать.

Тем временем Krankenhäuser stoppen Impfungen mit AstraZeneca-Vakzin


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