
COVID-19: Прививки​

05.05.21 19:45
Re: COVID-19: Прививки​
yanulya местный житель
in Antwort Van Doren 05.05.21 19:19

Возможная pричина необычных тромбов при Джонсоне (Астре):

Studies suggest that clots linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine resemble a similar condition that has been seen in some patients after treatment with heparin. “The pathophysiology of the blood clots appears to mirror that of the unusual clotting with heparin,” says Dr. Bona. He explains that a small number of patients treated with heparin develop an antibody to a protein called platelet factor 4. Heparin binds to platelet factor 4, and that binding creates a new spot on the platelet factor 4 that is immunogenic, he says. “For a variety of reasons, the antibodies cause the platelet count to go down and cause blood clotting.”

Dr. Meyer says she has gotten questions from people about taking “pre-emptive” aspirin if they have received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine to prevent the blood clots. “That is not recommended unless they are supposed to be taking aspirin for other conditions,” she says.


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