
COVID-19: Прививки​

14.08.21 14:14
Re: COVID-19: Прививки​
Van Doren коренной житель
Van Doren
в ответ Julcka 14.08.21 10:29, Последний раз изменено 14.08.21 14:15 (Van Doren)

Там всё весьма небрежно сделано, по-хорошему её бы перегнать в SQL, а то там данные размазаны по трём Эксель-таблицам. В возрасте от 1 до 18 лет там две дюжины смертей от всех прививок. В целом возрастное распределение следующее: смерти растут с возрастом экспоненциально, удваиваясь каждые 10 лет. Но после 65 смертность стоит на одном уровне. При всём этом следует помнить, что недавно более половины смертей оттуда было удалено. Их было 12313, а стало 5908. Всего сообщений за этот год было 465 тысяч, стало 455 (445 тысяч - ковид, 4990 - все прочие, 5 тысяч - не указано, вероятно ковид). Прививки от ковида у детей и подростков там есть, вот например

парень 18 лет, Модерна:

Developed fatigue, body aches, headache 1 day after vaccination on 3/3. The morning of 3/5 complained of chest pain. Took Tylenol at 8:30 am. At 10:30 am his family found him unresponsive. EMS was called and he was pronounced dead in the home.

Ещё парень 18 лет, Модерна:

Resident did not express having any symptoms, the only thing that the POC observed abscesses in the arm, groin, thigh and knees after the first vaccination. After the second dose, he was hypoactive. On 2/27 at about 3:30 am he asked him to turn on his side, between 4 am and 5 am POC went to the room I notice it strange, because his head was wrapped in the sheet. When the POC removed the sheet, she observed that her mouth and nose were full of secretions. So he turned it and he himself did not react. He called the emergency who certifies that he had no vital signs. (emergency arrives within 5:45 am to 6:00 am)

Девочка 17 лет, Пфайзер, 8 дней после прививки:

Patient reported difficulty breathing and chest pain; suffered cardiac arrest and death

Девочка 16 лет, Пфайзер

Patient was a 16yr female who received Pfizer vaccine 3/19/21 at vaccine clinic and presented with ongoing CPR to the ED 3/28/21 after cardiac arrest at home. Patient placed on ECMO and imaging revealed bilateral large pulmonary embolism as likely etiology of arrest. Risk factors included oral contraceptive use.Labs have since confirmed absence of Factor V leiden or prothrombin gene mutation. Patient declared dead by neurologic criteria 3/30/21.

Мальчик 15 лет, через день после Пфайзера

Heart failure

И не зря кстати прививка от гриппа считалась до ковида самой опасной. Девочка 7 лет, прививка от гриппа, 4-валентная Флюлавал (вот зачем?!? Но в детском американском календаре прививок 20 прививок от гриппа, начиная до рождения, и до 18 лет):

The vaccine was given in clinic on March 9, 2021. On March 14, 2021 she was found at home, unresponsive in her chair.CPR was administered, 911 was called and she was brought to the ER and subsequently admitted to the PICU. Brain death examinations were completed x 2 and she was pronounced dead on 3/17/2021

Мальчик, 15 лет, Пфайзер

Unexplained death within 48 hours

Девочка, 18 лет, Модерна


Мальчик, 16 лет, Пфайзер

Prodrome of headache and gastric upset over 2 days following second dose. Then felt fine. Found the following day dead in bed. Autopsy pending

Девочка 17 лет Пфайзер:

Patient had massive acute intracranial hemorrhage. Was found down in bathroom. In ED CT scan showed large intraventricular hemorrhage, EVD placed, patient progressed to massive brain swelling and infarctions, decompressive craniectomy, unable to control intracranial pressure, parents agreed to DNR status and patient is not expected to survive.

Мальчик 13 лет, Пфайзер

Flu like symptoms for 2 days then was found deceased

Девочка, 16 лет, Пфайзер

~4 weeks after the 2nd dose of Pfizer, patient presented to the hospital with chest pain; had pericardial effusion. Initially improved but then had decompensation, prolonged hospitalization. Diagnosed with hemophagocytic lymphohistocytosis (HLH) and ultimately died.

Девочка, 17 лет, Пфайзер

Cardiac arrest without resuscitation.Unknown cause of cardiac arrest. Awaiting autopsy report.

Мальчик, 13 лет, Пфайзер

Date of Admission: 6/19/2021 Date of Death: 6/20/2021Primary Care Physician: No primary care provider on file.REASON FOR ADMISSION: Patient is a 13-year-old previously healthy male who was admitted after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with ROSC after CPR for 15 minutes in the field, found to be in the context of large cerebellar hemorrhage secondary to brain lesion (AVM vs tumor).BRIEF SUMMARY OF HOSPITALIZATION: Patient was intubated prior to arrival to the ED. Upon arrival he was started on epinephrine and norepinephrine drips to maintain perfusion and was administered bicarbonate x2. Head CTA was obtained and was notable for midbrain hemorrhage and tonsillar herniation, and no contrast enhanced blood flow in the brain.Brain death exams were completed at 09:59 and 14:20. APNEA test was performed at 13:30, which is the official time of brain death.Official cause of death was brainstem herniation from intracranial hemorrhage.Mechanical ventilation was continued to allow family time to grieve and perform last rites. Time of cardiac death after mechanical ventilation withdrawal was 18:36.HOSPITAL COURSE BY PROBLEM:FEN/Renal/Endo:#Central DI He received 1.5 L of normal saline bolus in the ED and an additional 3 L of ringers lactate bolus overnight in the ICU to maintain perfusion and decrease heart rate.His sodium was 141 upon presentation but reached a maximum of 160 due to central diabetes insipidus. He was started on 0.45% normal saline at 100 mL/hr to improve hypernatremia, which was monitored Q1h until normonatremic.He additionally required vasopressin drip to be started due to central DI, which was increased to a maximum of 20 mU/kg/hr.CV: At time of admission, epinephrine was running at 0.1 mcg/kg/min and norepinephrine was 0.1 mcg/kg/hr. Norepinephrine was increased shortly thereafter to 0.12 mcg/kg/min.In the morning after admission, he had tachycardia to the 190s, which appeared to be narrow complex. Epinephrine and norepinephrine were discontinued. Two doses of adenosine were administered (6 mg first dose, 12 mg second dose) due to suspected SVT. The rate decreased for ~4 seconds after the second dose however returned to ~180. EKG arrived which showed sinus tachycardia so no further medications or cardiac interventions were done.Fluid rates were increased to 2x MIVF rate and additional 500 mL bolus of LR was administered.Norepinephrine and epinephrine were restarted and escalated due to low blood pressures in the early allow family time with patient.Both titrated to effect.Pulm: Patient was mechanically ventilated to achieve normal pH, normocarbia, and high arterial oxygen tension per brain death protocol.He had no primary pulmonary disease during this admission.Neuro:#Intraparenchymal hemorrhage #Tonsillar herniation Neurosurgery was consulted. Mannitol x1 and hypertonic saline 23% x1 were administered to decrease intracranial pressures. Keppra 2g was administered for seizure prophylaxis. No sedation was needed during patient's hospitalization.PERTINENT STUDIES & CONSULTS:Pediatric neurology NeurosurgeryPENDING TESTS RESULTS: NoneRECOMMENDATIONS AND FOLLOWUP: NoneNo future appointments.PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: BP 108/78| Pulse (!) 144| Temp 36.5 °C (97.7 °F)| Resp (!) 15| Ht 1.65 m (5' 4.96")| Wt 46.5 kg (102 lb 8.2 oz)| SpO2 99%| BMI 17.08 kg/mІEstimated body mass index is 17.08 kg/mІ as calculated from the following:Height as of this encounter: 1.65 m (5' 4.96").Weight as of this encounter: 46.5 kg (102 lb 8.2 oz).ALLERGIESNo Known Drug Allergies

Мальчик, 18 лет, Пфайзер, без подробностей

Мальчик, 16 лет, Пфайзер

My son died, while taking his math class on Zoom. We are waiting for the autopsy because the doctors did not find anything. He was a healthy boy, he had a good academic index, he wanted to be a civil engineer. He was the best thing in my life.

Мальчик, 16 лет, Пфайзер

The patient died 6 days after receiving dose #2

Мальчик, 15 лет, Пфайзер

7/22/2021Child collapsed on soccer field while playing soccer at a local camp.CPR was initiated immediately.EMS arrived and found patient in vtac.Shock x 5.ACLS, intubation attempted.Transported to Medical Center.Patient had covid in April 2021.Dx in May 2021 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.Started on lopressor 25mg BID.Patient had reported to parents that he had not recently taken his medications.Patient had his second covid vaccine on Sunday 7/18/2021.

Девочка, 13 лет, Пфайзер

patient arrived in ventricular tachycardia via EMS, but responsive. deteoriarated to pulseless ventricular tachycardia, PEA and ultimately death.

Два десятка смертей. Половина стёрта. Дункельциффер по оценкам до 99%. То есть в реальности их скорее несколько тысяч. Сотни есть наверняка. Вся эта история - это преступление века. Начиная от исследований по усилению вируса, и заканчивая прививками для детей.


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