
COVID-19: сообщения о побочных эффектах

22.09.21 04:22
Re: COVID-19: сообщения о побочных эффектах
Van Doren патриот
Van Doren

Это не о ковидных вакцинах, но, по-моему важно понимать, что безопасных прививок просто НЕ БЫВАЕТ. Из книги Сюзан Хамфрис, нефролога с 19-летним стажем работы:

Before the winter of 2009, I never questioned the idea that vaccines were safe and the best way to prevent diseases. I gave vaccines, paid for the goods and never thought to look in the bag, until there was a reason to examine the contents thoroughly. The H1N1 pandemic swine flu was supposedly going to kill millions in the year 2009 so, in addition to the seasonal flu vaccine, a separate swine flu vaccine was given. There was a shortage of the swine flu vaccine, and so it was only given to those most at risk.

One Monday, after picking up the weekend service, a hospital inpatient with kidney failure got very grumpy with me. Seeing him in the middle of his dialysis treatment, I’d asked the usual questions, like “And how long have you been on dialysis?” and the man exploded. “I’ve never been on dialysis! I never had anything wrong, until they gave me that shot.” . . . Working up a lather, he almost yelled . . . “I was fine until I had that vaccine!” Taken aback, I asked, “What vaccine did you get? When did you get it, and how do you know your kidneys were fine before?” Apparently he’d told his story to everyone, but had been blown off. Now, he was startled that anyone was even asking sensible questions. So, he tumbled the whole story out. After a very thorough investigation and a fine-tooth-combed patient history analysis, which did indeed reveal that his kidney function was perfectly normal a month before, I decided that his words and beliefs had merit. That event is forever burned into my memory because the words spoken marked the first of many similar stories to come. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that, for the first time, I was prepared to hear an unpalatable truth.

After the first man with kidney failure, I began asking other people, with unusual case presentations, whether or not they had been recently vaccinated. Some would become wide-eyed after the question, as if they too had never considered any connection, but in others, the light dawned and after picking up their jaws, they often replied, “YES, it was shortly after that!” Sure enough, the records would show the time relationship. Sometimes violent sickness began on the very day. This entire story has been recorded and is on YouTube in a video I called Honesty vs. Policy, and it details several of these cases.

After three people came in with fulminant kidney failure, temporally related to vaccination, I thought it prudent to bring the cases to the attention of the hospital chief of medical staff. Upon passing him in the hallway, we stopped for the usual cordial robotic small talk: “Hello. How are you? How is the practice going? Are you happy here?” To which the answer for the previous seven years had been “Great. Great and yes!” But this time I had news! “We have a problem. I’ve seen three cases of kidney failure in adults shortly after they were vaccinated, and two of the three told me they were fine until the vaccine. All of them had documented normal kidney function within two months of the vaccine. What do you think?”

After a short silence, I got to know a different side of this man. Perhaps he could also say he got to know a different side of me. His immediate response was, “It was not a vaccine reaction. They just got the flu and the vaccine didn’t have time to work.” The problem was that none of the three even had flu-like symptoms. Why did he automatically jump to that conclusion? It is true that even less than once in a blue moon, influenza infection all by itself can lead to interstitial nephritis and kidney shut down. I’d never treated a case of flu-related kidney failure in all my years of practice as a very busy nephrologist in large tertiary care centers. But I had seen many cases of kidney failure from all sorts of viral illnesses, which had been made worse from fever-reducing anti-inflammatory drugs and dehydration. None of that had happened with these three cases. What sort of a coincidence would it be, for three people to be admitted in a very short period of time with acute kidney failure after a flu vaccine—with no flu symptoms, and . . . be told that the problem was influenza? Ridiculous.

After these three outpatient cases, I began to ask all my patients, “When was your last vaccine?”


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