
Часики тик-так 10.02.2024

10.02.24 09:54
Часики тик-так 10.02.2024
uscheswoi_82 коренной житель

Будем сегодня программировать часы.

1. Запустим среду Dev-C++:

2. Создадим новый проект Datei->Neu:

3. Приложение должно быть Windows (Windows Application), а язык Си (C-Projekt):

4. Проект назавём uhr:

Вот так выглядет проект с кодом:

Вот сам исходный код:

#include <windows.h>

void draw_vline(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int n, int h, COLORREF c) 
     int i=0;
     int m = n;
     HPEN hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, c);
     HPEN hOldPen = SelectObject(hdc, hPen); 
     for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
     MoveToEx(hdc, x+i, y+m, (LPPOINT)NULL);
     LineTo(hdc, x+i, (h-m)+y);

     for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
     MoveToEx(hdc, n+x+i, y+m, (LPPOINT)NULL);
     LineTo(hdc, n+x+i, (h-m)+y);

void draw_hline(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int n, int w, COLORREF c) 
     int i=0;
     int m = n;
     HPEN hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, c);
     HPEN hOldPen = SelectObject(hdc, hPen); 
     for(i=0; i<n; i++)
        MoveToEx(hdc, x+m, y+i, (LPPOINT)NULL);
        LineTo(hdc, (x+w)-m, y+i);

     for(i=0; i<n; i++)
        MoveToEx(hdc, x+m, y+i+n, (LPPOINT)NULL);
        LineTo(hdc, (x+w)-m, y+i+n);

void draw_number(HDC hdc, int number, int x, int y, COLORREF cn, COLORREF c)
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+10, 5, 50, cn);
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+70, 5, 50, cn);
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+130, 5, 50, cn);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+3, y+20, 5, 50, cn);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+3, y+80, 5, 50, cn);

    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+20, 5, 50, cn);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+80, 5, 50, cn);
    if(number == 0)
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+10, 5, 50, c);
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+130, 5, 50, c);    
    draw_vline(hdc, x+3, y+20, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+3, y+80, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+20, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+80, 5, 50, c);

    if(number == 1)
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+20, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+80, 5, 50, c);
    if(number == 2)
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+10, 5, 50, c);
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+70, 5, 50, c);
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+130, 5, 50, c);    
    draw_vline(hdc, x+3, y+80, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+20, 5, 50, c);
    if(number == 3)
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+10, 5, 50, c);
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+70, 5, 50, c);
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+130, 5, 50, c);    
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+20, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+80, 5, 50, c);       
    if(number == 4)
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+70, 5, 50, c);   
    draw_vline(hdc, x+3, y+20, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+20, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+80, 5, 50, c);
    if(number == 5)
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+10, 5, 50, c);
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+70, 5, 50, c);
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+130, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+3, y+20, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+80, 5, 50, c);    
    if(number == 6)
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+10, 5, 50, c);
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+70, 5, 50, c);
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+130, 5, 50, c);    
    draw_vline(hdc, x+3, y+20, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+3, y+80, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+80, 5, 50, c);
    if(number == 7)
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+10, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+20, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+80, 5, 50, c);
    if(number == 8)
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+10, 5, 50, c);
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+70, 5, 50, c);
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+130, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+3, y+20, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+3, y+80, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+20, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+80, 5, 50, c);

    if(number == 9)
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+10, 5, 50, c);
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+70, 5, 50, c);
    draw_hline(hdc, x+7, y+130, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+3, y+20, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+20, 5, 50, c);
    draw_vline(hdc, x+53, y+80, 5, 50, c);

int draw_number2(HDC hdc, int number, int x, int y, COLORREF cn, COLORREF c){
    int number2 = 0;
    int rest=0;
    if(number > 9 && number < 100)
      number2 = number / 10;
      rest = number % 10;
      draw_number(hdc, rest, x+65, y, cn, c);
      draw_number(hdc, number, x+65, y, cn, c);

    draw_number(hdc, number2, x, y, cn, c);

/* This is where all the input to the window goes to */
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
    HDC hdc;
    SYSTEMTIME st, lt;

 switch(Message) {
        case WM_TIMER:
          InvalidateRect(hwnd, 0, TRUE);
        case WM_CREATE:
             SetTimer(hwnd, 100, 1000, (TIMERPROC)NULL);
        case WM_DESTROY:
         KillTimer(hwnd, 100);
            PostQuitMessage (0);       /* send a WM_QUIT to the message queue */
        case WM_PAINT:
            hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); 
            draw_number2(hdc, lt.wHour, 6, 10, RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB(96, 222, 252));
            draw_number2(hdc, lt.wMinute, 160, 10, RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB(96, 222, 252));
            draw_number2(hdc, lt.wSecond, 310, 10, RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB(96, 222, 252));
            EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); 
        /* All other messages (a lot of them) are processed using default procedures */
            return DefWindowProc(hwnd, Message, wParam, lParam);
 return 0;

/* The 'main' function of Win32 GUI programs: this is where execution starts */
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {
 WNDCLASSEX wc; /* A properties struct of our window */
 HWND hwnd; /* A 'HANDLE', hence the H, or a pointer to our window */
 MSG msg; /* A temporary location for all messages */

 /* zero out the struct and set the stuff we want to modify */
 wc.cbSize         = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
 wc.lpfnWndProc  = WndProc; /* This is where we will send messages to */
 wc.hInstance  = hInstance;
 wc.hCursor         = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
 /* White, COLOR_WINDOW is just a #define for a system color, try Ctrl+Clicking it */
 wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1);
 wc.lpszClassName = "WindowClass";
 wc.hIcon         = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); /* Load a standard icon */
 wc.hIconSm         = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); /* use the name "A" to use the project icon */

 if(!RegisterClassEx(&wc)) {
        MessageBox(NULL, "Window Registration Failed!","Error!",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK);
        return 0;

        CW_USEDEFAULT, /* x */
        CW_USEDEFAULT, /* y */
        480, /* width */
        240, /* height */

 if(hwnd == NULL) {
        MessageBox(NULL, "Window Creation Failed!","Error!",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK);
        return 0;

        This is the heart of our program where all input is processed and 
        sent to WndProc. Note that GetMessage blocks code flow until it receives something, so
        this loop will not produce unreasonably high CPU usage
 while(GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0) { /* If no error is received... */
        TranslateMessage(&msg); /* Translate key codes to chars if present */
        DispatchMessage(&msg); /* Send it to WndProc */
 return msg.wParam;

Вуаля! Результат работы наших часов:

Если я кому-то отвечаю, это не значит что я ему симпатизирую, каждый остаётся при своём мнение

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