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как правильно ввести банковский счёт, чтобы продавать артикли?

23.05.13 22:54
Re: помогите новечку!
ljudmila_1 посетитель
в ответ ebay 23.05.13 14:39
Да, наверное именно это с меня и спрашивают, но страница уже на английском открывается предлагается 3 варианта:
Set up an automatic payment method
You're placing an automatic payment method on file to pay for the following:
Seller Fees
eBay will charge all fees related to your selling activity to the automatic payment method you select below. Learn more about fees for selling on eBay.
Reimbursements for claims under eBay's Buyer Protection Policy
The eBay Buyer Protection Policy generally covers buyers for most purchases on eBay. If eBay owes the buyer for claims covered under the eBay Buyer Protection Policy, we'll charge the amount due using the automatic payment method you select below. The eBay Buyer Protection Policy is subject to change and we'll charge you in accordance with the policy as it existed on the date of the transaction at issue. Learn more about what eBay's Buyer Protection means for sellers.
eBay may charge the payment method you select on a one-time, sporadic, or recurring basis. You can always change your selected payment method in My eBay or cancel your automatic payment by contacting us.
Select your automatic payment method
Use your existing PayPal account to pay your selling fees. It's a safe and convenient way to pay.
Credit or debit card
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
Bank account
To use your bank account, you need to add a credit card as another form of identification. We won't charge your card without your authorization.

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