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wanna write in english

26.06.05 12:28
Re: wanna write in english
airet местный житель
Do you know what▓s special about any Internet forum? You can▓t make people discuss what you (or I) think they should discuss. The last thing I would do is to limit the discussion to one topic only.
Your question ⌠how to improve English faster and easier■ is really important but what do you expect? For most people, to learn a language is hard work, and it takes time. If you could just start and give examples of how it possible to make it faster and easier, perhaps others could follow.

And I do think that the difference between ⌠прыгать⌠ and ⌠скакать■ can help one speak Russian better. And I do think that it is important to be confident that if you hear ⌠take care■ you answer the right thing. I do feel intuitively many nuances in the English language now, but when I started learning it, it was exactly the discussion of those nuances that helped me to become fluent in English.
You might have a different opinion but different opinions can coexist in the same forum. One does not exclude the other
Английский язык

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