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Business English

30.06.05 16:02
Business English
Ol'ya постоялец
Последний раз изменено 30.06.05 16:12 (Ol'ya)
Hello to everybody!
I'm very glad that this forum exists, it gives a hope that somebody could help me
This fall I start my study. It'll be in English.
I have a list of literature recommended by professors for better preparation to study. I found one of these books in a library but the problem is that even my good English isn't enough to read it This book is a real nightmare for me (it's called "Principles of Corporate Finance") because I can't catch the sense and feel very stupid
My problem is obvious, I have a lack of business English vocabulary.
May be somebody knows a good book or better Internet site where I can find smth to improve my vocabulary in this subject? Ideal variant would be to find smth like a special Business English course.
All books that I have found were about smth like Business communication (how to arrange meeting, to answer a phone call etc). This I definetely don't need.
So I'd be very grateful, if you could help me to find smth really good and informative to read this awful book which consists of 1300 pages
Thank you in advance
P.S. In order to avoid advice "just take a dictionary and read the book with the help of it" I would like to add that it won't really help because I want to study business vocabulary not only for reading this book but also for my further study.
P.P.S. Hope my text wasn't too mussy for understanding

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