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Business English

01.07.05 14:10
Re: Business English
airet местный житель
в ответ Ol'ya 30.06.05 16:02
In order to avoid advice "just take a dictionary and read the book with the help of it" I would like to add that it won't really help because I want to study business vocabulary not only for reading this book but also for my further study.

It would be my first advice if hadn▓t warned┘
Another option could be to go to the library, to look through other books on the same subject and to choose a book consisting of 200 or 300 pages
Even if there▓s no guarantee that it would contain less challenging vocabulary (although it could be the case as well), it would certainly be easier to read. Those authors who can cover the same subject using fewer pages usually express the same ideas and principles more understandable.
Good luck!
PS These ones, for example, would be easier to read I guess
The corporate finance handbook / Jonathan Reuvid (326 pages)
Corporate finance : principles & practice / Denzil Watson and Antony Head (492 pages)
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