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proverjte bitte text

07.01.07 15:22
proverjte bitte text
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=is the increasing ,interdependence, integration and interaction among people and corporations in disparate locations around the world. It is an umbrella term which refers to a complex of economic, trade, social, technologic, cultural and political interrelationship.
Today▓s Globalisation creates vast opportunities for everybody: ideas, goods and services, technologies and capital fly across borders faster than ever, enriching our lives in many ways and contributing to our prosperity. But while progress spreads quickly in the world, there are problems, too.
A currency crisis, high taxes and tight air pollution controls force the most companies moving production to lower-cost countries like Eastern Europe. Even because of that the workers are doing well, because they get reasonable redundancy pay and have chance to get another job. Quite the reverse is going the workers in the poor countries, where the companies are going.
In the foreign countries the companies have rock-bottom labour costs; they pay only few taxes and attention to the environmental effects of their operation. This is the chance to push up their profits. However none of them think on the workers, who have to work under very bad working conditions for example lack of protective clothing with the chemicals and this for a poorly paid.
But when the workers try to organize a union to improve the working conditions, safety and wages, each of them is dismissed without any explanation. Such one is even blacklisted by other companies, so that is no chance for another job. To strike is also not a solution, because even by victim, it may be hollow. There are so much other plenty more poor countries, which will be delighted to offer the manufacturer, what they want.
The government can▓t also sort out this problem. They want do everything to attract foreign investors to their country. The government is in opinion the workers should not to complain, because their lives are not as hard as their parents and grand parents were. It should be find a compromise between both sides, will this happen?
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Multinational organizations
=are companies which are moved their production in the foreign countries, because of the lower labour costs, weak air pollution controls and above all of paying few taxes. That means the manufacturer move the production of goods to where they can be produced most cheaply and then transported to where they can be sold most expensively
Two huge problems with this organization of manufacturing and trade are the loss of expensive jobs in richer countries and the fact that workers in poor countries are not protected from poor pay or bad working conditions. .

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