
Мир акций

31.03.20 08:44
Re: Мир акций
кому что местный житель
кому что
in Antwort Дель Брюкер 30.03.20 12:49, Zuletzt geändert 31.03.20 09:46 (кому что)

вот еще интересная статья о ZOOM и вопрос для инвестинга, кстати, правильный

For Zoom, “the real question will be how much of this activity will convert to paid users over the short and long term,” JPMorgan’s Auty wrote in a note to clients. While he acknowledges that some businesses could revert to their old ways once the outbreak gets under control, he thinks the experience has provided a “wake-up call” to many enterprises about the benefits of remote work and the need to have an arsenal of digital tools in case of future disruptions.


Мы уже чего только не перепробовали на работе: Skype (current standard for intracompany communication), MS Teams (slowly becoming a standard for intracompany communication), BlueJeans (standard for the outside communication), Webex (very seldomly used now, do not know why). Zoom is not tested yet.

Apropos, BlueJeans интересная компания, но вроде как не listed или я плохо искала?


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