
Мир акций

01.02.22 15:02
Re: Мир акций
slamdank патриот
in Antwort slamdank 28.03.20 01:01, Zuletzt geändert 01.02.22 16:44 (slamdank)

AT&T to Spin Off WarnerMedia, Plans Deep Cut to Its Dividend. The Stock Falls.

AT&T said Tuesday it would spin off its interest in WarnerMedia following WarnerMedia’s merger with Discovery.

AT&T (ticker: T) also said its board approved a post-close annual dividend of $1,11 (4,35% p.a. prior to the close at 31.01.2022) a share, down from $2,08 (8,16% p.a. prior to the close at 31.01.2022), to account for the spinoff of Warner Bros. Discovery Inc.

Under the terms of the all-stock deal, which is expected to close...


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