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Зимняя болталка

20.11.17 19:22
Re: Зимняя болталка
Van Doren старожил
Van Doren
in Antwort Lyavka 20.11.17 13:37
They measured both fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence scores for each individual. There was a clear statistical relationship between lower mortality risk and fluid intelligence, even after taking out the effects of health status, health behaviors and socio-economic status. But the link between crystallized intelligence and mortality was found to be largely due to socioeconomic status, and health.The take-home from this study is that fluid intelligence is the component of intelligence that is most valuable in reducing mortality risk in later life.Частично потому, что как видишь, механизм не совсем такой, как ты описываешь.

Ну ё... Нельзя вычитать социально-экономический статус! Он большей частью задается как раз интеллектом!


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