
Вот и лето прошло....(Осенняя Болталка)

18.09.18 15:11
Re: ??? ? ???? ??????....(??????? ????????)
Van Doren коренной житель
Van Doren
в ответ roslyz 18.09.18 14:51, Последний раз изменено 18.09.18 17:52 (Van Doren)

Я уже сказал - глупо применять моральные стандарты нашего времени к прошлому. Одобряю я колонизацию? Нет. Стало им хуже от колонизации? Отдельным людям - да. Народам в целом? Скорее нет чем да. Джаред Тейлор часто приводит такой случай: он в молодости путешествовал по Африке, и обратил внимание на большую разницу в уровне жизни между Либерией и Берегом Слоновой Кости.

“I had just come from the Ivory Coast, which, by West African standards, was wealthy and well run. As soon as I crossed the border into Liberia, the road was full of huge potholes, the buildings were shacks, and the people were in rags. “I always made a practice when visiting a new country to go to the main university in the capital and find smart people to talk to. At the University of Liberia, I asked a student why Ivory Coast was well run but Liberia was a wreck. Without a pause, he said, ‘It's because we did not have the benefit of being colonized by the French.’“At that time I was still a liberal on race, and his answer hit me like a thunderbolt. I took it for granted, as liberals do, that colonialism was exploitation, but here was an African calmly telling me that it explained why Ivory Coast was more advanced than Liberia.”


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