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Поломалось седло Brooks

20.11.16 12:11
Re: Поломалось седло Brooks
amati111 старожил
в ответ Alexsan 20.11.16 11:05
. А у брукса ничего подобного нет, даже ни одного слова по поводу какой-либо гарантии.

Ну давай я за тебя погуглю)))


If you have a quality problem with your purchase, you can send it back within 14 working days of receipt from UPS or DHL subject to the following conditions:
-the product has not been used, manipulated or damaged
-the product must be sent back with its original packaging

We will refund you the cost of the product, excluding all shipping costs and duty. Before returning a product you must explain the reason, sending an email to our customer service at
Should you have further questions you may contact:
BROOKS ENGLAND at +44 121 5652992
Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4 pm GMT

BROOKS BRANCH at +39 0444 461121
9 am - 12 am and 1 pm - 5 pm GMT+1

Colour, firmness and surface appearance of the saddle may vary because leather is a natural material, therefore these are not considered defects. We also warn you that leather may stain and saddle weights may vary up to 5%. We do not accept any of the above as claims.

Тут написанно

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