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Кто едет на выставки в Украину-Беларусь-Россию-Балтику в этом году?

14.01.10 18:12
Re: Кто едет на выставки в Украину-Беларусь-Россию-Балтику в этом году?
Чертенка коренной житель
А в Монтенегро не хотите рвануть?? Там за два дня можно закрыть чемпиона трех стран... и cacib получить...
Я еду.
Kennel club Montenegro in cooperation with Bulgarian Republican Federation of Cynology and Kennel Assocation of the Republic Macedonia organizes for you a very interesting program for the holiday in May this year.
In only two days you will have a chance to win the candidacy for the inter champion and three different championships - of Montenegro, Bulgaria and Macedonia.
Namely, on May 1st in Bar at 09.00am, we are organizing an International Dog Show which will be held in park of Hotl ▒Sidro▓ . When this dog show finishes another dog show is organized at the same place at 16.00 CAC Bulgaria where you can achieve a condition for gaining the title 'CH of Bulgaria' with 1 x CAC.
The next day in Petrovac, which is 21km away from Bar, there will be another dog show CAC Petrovac, at 09.00 which will be held in football stadium. By gaining 2 x CAC (CACIB Bar and CAC Petrovac), you gain the condition for the CH of Montenegro. And finally, at the end of that day at the same place at 13.00 there will be organized CAC Macedonia where you can also gain the CH of Macedonia with 1 x CAC.
Вот и до меня добрался кризис: вино пью старое, сыр ем с плесенью, машина без крыши...

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