русский разъясните

31.05.11 15:56
Re: разъясните
exorcio старожил
in Antwort lina_26 31.05.11 14:55
написано же
BE1 Berdjansk - Listing of Germans
BE2 Benkendorf Bess - Listing of families in 1870
CH1 Chortitz - Mennonites from Prussia emigrating to 1818 (film 606)
CH1 Chortitz - Revisions list for year 1795 of Mennonite colonists who
arrived the Gov. Jekaterinoslaw on Aug 1, 1789 (Fond 134)
and also arrived in 1793 (starting page 5396913 film 606)
CH5 Chorol - List of Germans in Chorol Rayon
KA1 Kaisertal listing of families in spring of 1838
KA2 Kamenka - List of Germans in Rayon Kamenka - 1941
KA3 Katharinenfeld Georgien - early settler data
LA1 Landau Odessa questionnaires of Reichert
LI1 Lichtental Bess - Settlers who first came to Sarata and Gnadental,
and then resettled in Lichtental
LI2 Libau - death records - 188x
LU1 Ludwigsburg - Listing of emigrants from Ludwigsburg archive
- Oberamt Nuertingen Wuerttemburg
ME1 Mennonites from Prussia emigrating to Chortiza, and settled there
in April 1818 (Similar data as CH1 on
film 606 page 5396613-15)
MI1 Misc data from Ahnentafel and Questionnaires
MI3 Misc Questionnaires
MI4 Misc Early records back to Germany
MI3 Misc death data for Bess villages (film 608 page 5399474-500)
MI6 Misc Marriage records in different Russian villages
NH1 Neuhoffnung - Births and Deaths (Aug-Sep 1822)
NS1 Neu Strymba Bess- parish of Kischinew as of 1938
PO1 Pokrowskoje - Listing of Germans in Rayon Pokrowskoje
SA1 Werner Family Data - Sarata Bess
WU1 Wuerttemburg emigrants - 1818-1822

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