
частные исследователи Nara

13.01.12 14:21
Re: частные исследователи Nara
leo1975 посетитель
in Antwort nckl 13.01.12 08:43
Вот текст письма
We do research of the EWZ films at our National Archives on a periodic basis. We can make the paper copies that you requested. However, I presume that you would want all the available information in those EWZ50-Application files and not just one frame. In addition, there are other EWZ film series [EWZ57-E/G Kartei & EWZ58-Stammblatter] which often have photographs of the applicants, as well as information about their siblings.

We currently ask for a one-time donation of $40 USD to cover our transportation and other costs [we live some distance from the Archive]; plus reimbursement for copying [$1.00 per page, up to 4 frames on each page], and mailing costs [at this time, I cannot estimate the cost of postage to Moscow, until we know the number of pages to mail]. It is unlikely that the total cost, including the $40 donation, would exceed $75 USD.

We do not ask for any funds in advance, nor do we charge for our research time, which we do on a volunteer basis. We would do the research and then send you an email with the total cost. We can accept payment via Western Union Money Transfers, which you can pay for in your currency at the conversion rate in force at the time of your Transfer. We would need the Money Transfer Control Number to pick up the funds here in the US. Upon receiving your payment, we would mail the documents to your address.

We have numerous requests to do research, but we wait until we have several before we make the trip to the Archives. We do not expect to visit the Archives until next month or later, depending upon the weather and road conditions.

If you are agreeable with these terms, just send us an email to that effect.


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