

05.04.11 19:54
Re: Болталка
nakaka старожил
в ответ lina_26 12.03.11 18:29
В ответ на:
новые афёры...не попадитесь:)))...Приходит письмо на ящик следующего содержания:
Dear ...такой-то
Please forgive my using this means to reach you but I can’t think of any other way of letting you knows the urgent matter at hand. I acted as personal attorney to (late) Mr.E. ........., who lived and worked here for more than twenty years as a major contractor and businessman.
On the 1st of October 2006, he and his wife and only daughter were involved in an automobile accident while visiting a neighboring country on vacation. They were buried two weeks after and I have exhausted all means of reaching who may have been related to them. This has been made more difficult because no mention was made of any relative while he was alive.
To the best of my knowledge, before his death, he had an investment deposit totaling more than Seven Million Five hundred thousand United States Dollars (US$7.500.000.00)

Лина, сегодня тебя вспоминала!!!
Мне тоже письмо пришло - я миллионЭрша терь!!!
Тока богаче на 2.4 мильЁна!!!
Люди, занимайте очередь, раздам 9 мильЁнов в хорошие руки!!!

Я вот тока понять не могу, откуда моё мыло нарыли доблестные африканские парни...
"Was du heute kannst besorgen, das verschiebe nicht auf morgen."

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