Germany.ruГруппы → Архив Досок→ Свобода слова

Мы русский народ !

01.03.22 09:37
Re: Мы русский народ !
Perhta патриот
в ответ tom4ik 01.03.22 09:20

А вот еще из ленты ФБ... Просто типовая иллюстрация к "кому война - кому мать родна"

Hello to all my friends and colleagues! I am in Ukraine, where there is a real war! The enemy is bombing our cities with the brutality of a barbarian! Fires missiles at residential areas and peaceful infrastructure! To cope with the feeling of anxiety and fear, I work between air raid signals and between trips to the bomb shelter. Our army really needs the help of the world community! If you have the desire and ability to support us, please do so! In the comment, I will give a link to a text document, which describes all the available methods to do this (if the administrator does not allow it, I can send you a private message). You can also buy any product in my store and write in the comments "do not deliver, this is a charitable donation". All funds from the sale will be transferred to the settlement account of our army.(I hope the administration of the group will allow you to post this publication because I call for peace!)Thanks in advance for your support! Pray for my country!
Да захлебнется кровью тот, Кто усомнится в нашем миролюбии, Ведь милосердие наше беспощадно (с)

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